Friday, December 21, 2012

Taking a Closer Look at Homeland

Media Reviews

Before the break, one of my friends and I decided that one show we really wanted to get into and catch up on was the show Homeland, starring Claire Dames and Damian Lewis (one of my favorite actors, totally coincidental that he happens to be a ginger), which comes on Showtime (another favorite of mine). I had almost forgotten about this decision, but when one becomes bored late at night, shows are the best cure. So I have worked my way through all 2 seasons of Homeland so far, and this is my review of the show.


One thing that I liked about Homeland was that the first episode got me hooked. There is nothing worse than being excited for a show only to have to sit through about 6 episodes of blah in order to get to the good stuff. Luckily, Homeland presented me with an intriguing story right off the bat, and I continued watching without that bad taste in my mouth with which some shows leave. The story goes that Sergeant Nicholas Brody, a prisoner of war over in the Middle East for over 8 years, has returned home to a lot of fanfare, and has earned the status of hero to most people. One of the people who are suspicious of him is CIA agent Carrie Mathison, who thinks he has been turned by Al Qaeda. The first season details the cat-and-mouse between Mathison and Brody, with their paths becoming more and more intertwined as the story deepens. With the ending of the first season with a failed suicide attack by Brody against upper echelon government agents and politicians, this is where the show got me on the hook. Not that the show is perfect by any means, but what I believe to be the biggest motivator for watching a show is: does it get your heart pounding? And the answer to that for Homeland is: yes.

The first season managed to keep my attention for each episode; an accomplishment of which few other shows have been able to do. My one issue with Homeland is this: it's intro. Showtime has always been a channel that has interesting and well-put together intros to their shows; but Homeland's intro makes me just think: meh. It's not bad, but it's really not outstanding either, which is surprising given the other shows on the channel have great intros. I know this may not seem like an important critique, but if you're going to be watching something episode after episode, week after week, it better be good.

Right now, the topics that this show delves into are hot topics in our nation. Politics, intelligence agencies, terrorism, religious radicalism, and a few others are some of those hot button issues that the show seems to reflect on. The way the show reflects on these issues is in and of itself a reflection of how our society is dealing with them I believe. The way the show depicts politics is pretty accurate in that it depicts it in a way that reflects how the majority of society sees politicians and the people in Washington. The topic of religion, however, is where I think the show really shines. That first moment when Brody is in his garage, washes his hands, pulls out his prayer mat and begins to say his morning prayers was nothing short of stunning. I found myself in awe, even though I knew he was the 'antagonist' of the show and must have some kind of marker to be so, I still was just in shock at seeing that. The show portrays Muslims as real people with actual feelings and issues of their own, which I think is refreshing from the stale view which most media takes on Islam.

Now, I have not begun the second season yet; however, I have seen reviews and they seem to point to it just simply adding on to the intrigue and plot with more great twists and more outstanding acting. Damian Lewis has always been one of my favorite actors since Band of Brothers, but I think this takes the cake. That first moment when you see him start praying in Arabic in his garage was a watershed moment for me in regards to this show. That kind of jaw-dropping moment doesn't come often in television, but this show managed to really pull off it's story in a sleek, psychological, and intrigue-filled way. I will revise this review when I have finished Season 2, but I'm hoping my opinion won't be much different than it is now; which is this: this show is just simply amazing. Go watch it if you can.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 Steps to Prepare for Spring Semester

College Tips

I hope all of you fellow college people are enjoying your Christmas break! Want to know the best way to really enjoy it? Start thinking about your spring semester, duh! I know, since it's cold most everywhere, the warm embrace of spring semester seems too far away to even think about, but time keeps going during Christmas break, whether it seems like it or not.

But really, it's coming faster than you think and its going to come whether you like it or not, so better to just suck it up, buckle down, and get ready for it. So here is my fool-proof 3-step plan to get ready for the semester that always seems to go by the quickest:

  1. Plan a spring break trip. That's right. Number one thing is to plan a spring break. Now is the perfect time to start planning a fun trip so you don't get down to the wire and have nothing going on for spring break. Now, I'm not a fan of those crazy spring break parties that go on down in Panama City, so I'm recommending avoiding those so you don't catch something. I'm more advocating for something like a trip with friends to the beach, a favorite city, things like that. We've all started spring semester and told ourselves, "I'll get around to planning something later", or my favorite, "Let's just get in the car and go". Stop right there. That never works. Spring break comes faster than you think, and spring break trips cost money. Usually when everything is just thrown together someone ends up paying for everything and getting paid back in "I'll get you next time bro." Don't fall into that. Talk to your friends, sit down and pick a spot, call ahead and get rooms, and actually plan something. You'll have a lot more fun because you can just jump in the car and focus on having fun instead of figuring out food, rooms, money, or even where to go.
  2. Do some class scouting. I know, I know, why on earth would anyone want to think about classes over a break? Well, breaks don't last forever, so get over it and do some class research. Pull up the list of class you're taking next semester, and start doing some research. Head over to, and take a look at who exactly you'll be listening to for the next few months. It'll pay dividends to know what they like, what they don't like, if they are easy, if they are tough. Next, look up the class you are taking, and see exactly what is going to be included in it. Knowing a little bit of the subject material beforehand can never hurt, so do a few google searches and look up what exactly applied trigo-metro-astro-cosmo-pysch-account-ology is. Finally, look at what textbooks you'll need. Make sure to print out a list of the books you need and do some scouting on Chegg, Amazon, and the rest of the internet because we all know, if you buy your books from the school bookstore, you are being duped and of substandard intelligence.
  3. Do some schoolwork. Last but most certainly the worst, yes, doing some kind of studying or school-related activity over the break will be good for your spring semester. What is worse, taking 15 minutes a day to stay fresh with info from your major, or forgetting everything you learned this past semester? If you said the latter, well then there isn't much hope for you. One thing I've found helps keep me sharp and prevent the memory loss we all know happens over Christmas is to study. I know it sounds crazy and no one will believe me, but I know that just leisurely doing about 15 minutes worth of studying once in a while over the break is a cure-all for that inevitable loss of knowledge brought on by friends, family, ham, presents, and all the other miscellaneous items that accompany Christmas.  Maybe pull out some notes from last semester, do some Google searches on the things that your next classes are going to cover. Get familiar with the information that is going to be presented in detail, so that way you won't come into the spring semester feeling like you've had a lobotomy. 

That about wraps it up folks! Don't be like the rest of your classmates and waste your Christmas break away. Follow these 3 steps and your spring semester will be much less burdensome. 



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Clint Eastwood Reviews Breaking Bad

Media Reviews

Whats that? No, Mr. President, I can't review Breaking Bread for you. No, neither can he. I don't think anyone can do that. Unless he had a lot of butter. What did you say Mr. President? It's not called Bread Breaking? Ah, Jesus, fine, I'll watch your stupid show and type some gibberish for your dang website.

Right, so, Breaking Bad is it? Yeah, Breaking Bad. The show is about some guy named Walt. I played a guy named Walt once. I got shot. Anyway, this show reminds me of my time in Grenada. There was always so much blood...and meth. No, wait, that was '94. Grenada was in '83. Ah, jeez, I wasn't at Grenada. I only played a guy who was at Grenada. Anyways. Wait, I see some kids on my lawn...

Okay, so Clint Eastwood isn't actually going to review Breaking Bad. I think that would be hilarious though. His performance at the Republican National Committee was a personal favorite of mine. He's so gruff and irritable. I can only hope to be like him when I'm old and angry! Without further adieu, here is my review of the wonderful show that is Breaking Bad:


In the opening season, we find Walter White, a meek high school chemistry teacher at a crossroads of his life. A mid-life crisis consisting of one order of cancer is on the docket for Walter, along with a heavy dose of financial & marital troubles. After seeing a news segment on a methamphetamine lab bust where the money which was seized in the raid is displayed, Walt decides that in order to pay for his cancer treatments and ensure the financial future of his family, he will begin cooking and selling meth. After doing a ride-along with his brother in law Hank who is a DEA agent on another meth lab bust, he sees one of his former students, Jesse Pinkman, escaping the scene of the raid. After finding and convincing Jesse to cook with him, they both embark on a journey into the criminal world that takes them to places they would have never imagined. This is the premise of Breaking Bad.

From the first cook that Jesse and Walt create in their crappy camper, to the most recent cook with Walt and Todd using the pest company as cover, Breaking Bad has managed to keep the art and form of making drugs fresh and interesting. The development of the main story-line and the characters within that story-line is nothing short of awesome. The actors have managed to mature the characters they play in such a way that the development of the character seems natural and real. One problem other shows seem to have is developing the characters in a way that does not seem either rushed, or too slow; however, this is not a problem that BB seems to possess. The paragon of this assertion is none other than our own Walter White himself and his slow but steady metamorphosis into Heisenberg.

Bryan Cranston and the writers of the show have managed to develop a character that is not static or stagnant, but intense, dangerous, and believable. The situations in which the show moves the story along are not silly or inundating, but have actual weight to the end game of the show. The way that the elements are tied into one another throughout the show is more evidence of solid scripting. One of the things that I found endearing about the show is how each episode title was relevant to the content of the episode. Not only that, but some of the titles are actually related to each other: for example, in Season 2 four of the episode titles elude to the ending of the season, "747", "Down", "Over", "ABQ". 

The change that takes place in Walter is not unplanned, as the show's creator Vince Gilligan has stated that he wants the protagonist to become the antagonist, which is exactly what has taken place. In this past season, or half-season, I myself sometimes did not know who to pull for exactly because Walter committed deeds more heinous than ever before and has displayed an attitude so dark it could blot out the sun. This change is what separates Breaking Bad from other drama shows on television. Drama shows are at their core about drama, and BB does not disappoint when it comes to tension and drama. This show is one of the most refreshing additions to cable television in a long, long time. The cold opening of Season 5 that is set a year ahead from the current season was one of the most interesting and curiosity-inspiring openings of a show that I have ever seen. All that remains is to see if the show will end like it has developed.


Monday, September 24, 2012

The Author Returns!


Hello again everyone! 

I am terribly sorry that I haven't updated this blog since April, but as everyone knows, the summer tends to consume one's free time with its draw of beaches, sun, relaxation, pools, and general laziness. So I'm using that as my excuse.

I intend to resume posting to this blog as often as I can, though this semester I have a heavier workload than I believe ever before. This blog does provide me with a good place to provide what viewers I can with what advice I can provide. Everything in this blog is information that I have either garnered through the small amount of life experience I have, or through the education that I have been given, and I hope to impart whatever I can to the world if it can help someone.

Look for some more meaty posts coming very, very soon! 



Sunday, April 22, 2012

How To Write Any Length Paper in 8 Hours or Less

College Tips

Papers. Both the bane, and sometimes the bread & butter of us college students, writing papers is one of those things that no one likes. Yet it's something that we have to do whether we like it or not. One thing that I find many college students, including myself, tend to do is to procrastinate. And why shouldn't we? College is some of the best times that we will ever have in our lives, so why not enjoy it? Now, with that said, please don't be one of those idiots that forsakes all work for all fun, all the time. Why? Because they suck at life, and will never amount to anything.

This will be you the morning after. Learn to accept it.

With that said, I'm here to give you my tips on how to write any length paper in 8 hours or less. Why eight hours you say? Because when most of realize we have a paper due tomorrow, it's around 12 midnight and we start freaking out. I picked eight hours because that's enough time to do most anything provided you follow these tips, and also because 8 hours after 12 midnight is 8 am, the time when college classes begin. Even if you don't have an 8 am class/deadline for the paper, follow these tips should you ever find yourself staring at your computer until it spits out a 10 pager that you need for tomorrow.

  • Map your essay out. Take 5 minutes, some scrap paper, and write down your intro, thesis, 3-5 main points, and conclusion in that order. Keep it short and to the point, this isn't the essay. Just a sentence or two will work for every part. Make sure your thesis sounds good by saying it out loud. Many a thesis has fallen short because it sounds stupid when you actually read it.
  • Don't take energy pills, shots, drinks, or whatever. Trust me when I say those things are poison for you, because they are. Make some coffee or tea, or perhaps have some chocolate. It's been scientifically proven that your brain consumes a large amount of energy when writing or studying, and the sugars that give your brain that energy come from chocolate or candy. So have a cup of tea and a chocolate energy bar instead of a 44oz. Power Super Monster X-Fuel N-R-G, or whatever those stupid things are called.
  • Don't write your paper in double space just yet. Leave it in single space. For some reason, perhaps it's a psychological thing, I write faster and better in single space. I once wrote 7 pages in 1 & 1/2 hours because I only used single space. Once you've written a few pages worth of single space, then double space it. The feeling you get is awesome, and you'll see that you've written a lot more than you might have thought. 

  • Devote 2 hours of this time to research. Sure, you can write 7 pages of anything, but unless you've got some general knowledge about what you're writing about, your paper will be 7 pages of crap. Start with the Wikipedia page on your subject. This will give you an overview of what you need to know should you know absolutely nothing about your subject. Need sources? Check the References section at the bottom of the page. Then, move on to detailed research. Use Google Scholar and your school's online databases to find some article that are hopefully remotely about your subject. If you're not a freshman and you can't use or can't find either of these, just drop out of college. Just quit while you're ahead and you'll save yourself the headache of sucking at school.
  • Don't do citations yourself, or use Easybib. Easybib is a rip. It's good if you need a quick MLA citation, but you'll have to pay if you need anything else. Use Citation Machine instead. This site is free, and all you have to do is enter the info into the blanks, and poof! Instant citation in the format you need, for free! It even gives you the in-text citation. Citations you say? More like yawning I say.
  • Listen to calm music, and just write. Throw on some headphones, pop in the Beethoven, and get typing. Look at it this way, as soon as you start writing, that's chipping away at your page length no matter what. Follow your essay map, and try to write with your subject or essay question in mind. Try not to just write whatever comes to mind, instead, take a second and think "How does this relate to what my problem or question is?" Trust me, it'll make your paper better so you don't have to revise as much later, which is quite the blessing to someone writing an 8 pager at 4 a.m.
  • Revise it, dang it! Congratulations, you've just written your essay! Are you finished? No. Go back through your paper and check for any spelling or grammar mistakes, stupid sentences, or crappy supporting arguments. Take 20 minutes people. It's not that much work, I mean you've already written the thing, so what's 20 more minutes to make it an A- paper instead of a B+? 
And that's all she, or he, wrote folks! Paper writing isn't so hard once you actually just start typing. Once you've finished revising and turn that sucker in, take a nap as soon as possible. You've earned it, champ.


Gif Collection #2


It's that time again folks! Gifs, gifs everywhere! We all love them, we all enjoy them, so without further adieu, here they are!

For when you've had enough of something.
Someone just said something so dumb, you can't even correct them.

That moment when you almost drop something and fumble to recover.

This one is just funny. Heh. Dog.

Ah, gifs. They just add that little bit of lol needed to get you through the day. And before you go, I'd like to share with you the coolest picture in the history of the internet. It's Heath Ledger skating over Christian Bale on the set of the Dark Knight. Bask in it's glory.

You can all quit your lives now.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Save Money & Earn Money (If You're in College or Otherwise)

College Tips & Life Hacks

A topic of debate that has come up a lot recently in my life is that of budgeting and taking care of one's money. This is an important topic for everyone, but is also especially of importance for us college kids who are usually on a tight budget that can range from lint-pocket broke, to my-parents-pay-for-everything. So my objective for this post is to provide you with a few ways to make some spending money, and some ways to save money. Now these will mostly be directed towards students like myself, but I don't think I know anyone that will say no to some money-saving tips and extra cash. Don't worry, this isn't one of those crazy-all out-penny pinching lists, this is just simple and easy tips to keep you from going broke. So let's get started!

Save Money:

  • Borrowed, loaned, or thrift store. For those of us who like to have some amenities & appliances in our rooms or apartments, new hipster clothes that you've probably never heard of, or some good furniture, borrowing from a friend, getting it loaned to you, or buying it from a thrift store is the way to go. Sure, it's probably used, and sure, it might not be in the best condition, but that won't really matter when you are sitting in your free couch you borrowed and enjoying a cold beverage from the fridge you got from the thrift store for next to nothing. Trust me, don't be that guy who has nothing in his room. No one likes hanging out in that guy's room.
  • Do matinees, lunch instead of dinner, and cook your own food. Planning a date? Make it a lunch date, and see a matinee after. Lunch prices and matinees cost way less than they do at night as they do during the day. Cooking your own food is also a very good choice, and has some really great benefits such as: you can cook healthy, you save money (it's less than a restaurant), you don't have to worry about not getting a table, crowds, or the loudness of most places, and you can do everything at your leisure. Plus you learn a valuable life skill: cooking. Not knowing how to cook is one of those things that if you are guilty of, you should really get on. It'll impress the opposite sex, teach you independence and healthy lifestyles, and you'll appreciate your parents that much more.
  • Don't buy frivolous crap. I'm looking at you, fellow college students. That awesome DVD set you saw in the store the other day? Yeah, you probably don't need that. Borrow it or look for a deal on it online at least, if you must. Please, when you see something you want to buy that's not clothing, food, or other essentials, now stick with me here cause it's about to get intense, take 10 seconds (gasp!) and really think, "Do I actually need this?" The answer is usually no. You don't need that new Angry Birds app. If you want Angry Birds, go toss pebbles at some pigeons. The graphics are way better.
Earn Money

  • Look for an online or temporary job. Do freelance writing, babysitting, freelance photography, become an online tutor, sell plasma, sell some of your junk on eBay or Craigslist, start a blog, etc. Don't wait around and hope that a job and money will come around and smack you in the face, get out there and look people. I make money online all the time, and yes, I do have to work for it, but trust me, if you've got even a little extra time on your hands, you can turn that into money in your account. With a little bit of searching and some elbow grease, you'll find something that fits your schedule and that you can do soon enough, I promise. If I can do it, anyone can. Well, most people can. As long as you're willing to work you'll do fine. But please, don't be one of those people (we all know one) that whines about having no money and needing a job. C'mon people, you've got the Internet at your disposal. Use it.
  • Reward sites. I know you think these are gimmicks, but I have two sites that are 100% legitimate.  Check out Swagbucks or download Checkpoints if you have a smartphone. Swagbucks is an easy and awesome way to earn points that you can turn into Amazon gift cards or whatever else, including actual cash through Paypal gift cards. I got my copy of Skyrim for absolutely nothing thanks to Swagbucks, and that is a true story. I've earned about 85$ in Amazon Gift Cards by just doing surveys, polls, offers or whatever else on the site, and I've never paid a penny for anything. Checkpoints is a cool little app that gives you points for scanning items whenever you're out shopping. That's it. Just scan, earn points, and use those points to get awesome stuff. 
Well, there you have it folks! I hope this helps a lot of you out there, because I know how much it sucks to not have money. If you're in college and you're really being hit hard in the wallet, just follow these tips, and trust me, you'll have enough saved or earned to pretty much do what you like. And for those of you not in college, these tips still apply! A little bit of money saved or spending cash earned never hurt anyone.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Review of Dexter- And Not the Cartoon

Media Reviews

For any of you that have been paying attention to great cable shows, I'm sure you've heard of Dexter. Just like the title says, I'm not talking about the cartoon from the 90's (awesome as it was), I'm talking about the much darker, much grittier Dexter. If you have not experienced the show, or even trailers/season summaries for the show, then you should go check it out now. I'll wait.

Back? Great. So now you've experienced the awesomeness that is Dexter, prepare yourself for my in-depth and totally awesome review of the show (as a whole) so far.  Let's begin.

The show's premise is that of Dexter Morgan, a blood splatter analyst by day who lives and works in Miami, Florida, that, due to early childhood psychological trauma, feels the need to kill other people. However, thanks to his father Harry Morgan, a Miami Metro police officer, the need is caught early and knowing that his kind of urge is not one that will go away, Harry trains Dexter on how to take a life without being caught. He also gives Dexter a "Code" to follow so that he will not murder innocent people. Throughout the show, Dexter struggles with following this "Code", from taking extra steps to ensure that the people he plans to kill are absolutely guilty of some murder of their own, to straying from the Code and attempting to come back. I know some may find this whole premise to be too dark or too far, but the show does a very good job of making sure that the violence and macabre themes are acceptable within the context of the episode or season without going over the edge into the pure, unadulterated realm of "just-too-much".

Throughout the seasons, Dexter faces other serial killers, villains, and the underbelly of society as he works to fend off the urge to kill that always seems to get in the way of other things in his life such as his job and his relationships. This is the general premise of the show, and I must say that with a few exceptions (*cough* Season 3 and Season 5, *cough*), the show does an exception job of making each and every season new, fresh, and entertaining. The close calls, the thrill of the kill, the themes of life and death/light and dark, the balance between his urge and everything else, and the interactions of the characters in response to what is happening in the story are just a few of the elements that make this show what it is, and that is one dang awesome show. Though I have yet to finish Season 6, and issue that will soon be rectified, I have seen the other 5 seasons and I can certainly say that they are some of the best seasons of television available.

As I'm sure you saw above, a couple of the seasons are not as good as the others. If I had to rank each season, this is how I would recommend them:

  1. Season 1 Hands down. Nothing else compares.
  2. Season 4 The acting and story of the season is just phenomenal. 
  3. Season 6 The ending to this season is just too game-changing to ignore.
  4. Season 7 The newest season, while very different from the others, is engaging and gripping.
  5. Season 2 As much as everyone hated one character in this season, I personally enjoyed it.
  6. Season 3 Much as I love Jimmy Smitts, this season wasn't the greatest, but still good.
  7. Season 5 All the seasons are good, but the others are better than this one. Still loved it though.
Now, as I've said, all of the seasons are good, but some are better than others. I'm sure most of you who have seen them all will probably agree with this listing of the seasons, though personal taste may lead to some differences in the later season choices. But nevertheless, I highly, highly recommend all 6 seasons, and cannot wait for the seventh season to come out in September. Rumor has it that the show will only run for two more seasons, so I recommend that you jump on the bandwagon as soon as possible!


3 Easy Steps to Write Great Class Notes

College Tips

Taking notes is something that every college student needs to know how to do, because when you're sitting in class and the professor is speaking at 10,000 words per minute, blazing through PowerPoint slides, and at the end of the class you are paralyzed when the professor says "Make sure you took notes today, this stuff will be on the exam" because you didn't know how to take good notes. So pay attention, and be prepared to have your mind blown with these simple and amazing note-taking techniques!

1. Write in red ink. Writing in red ink will imprint the knowledge of what you are writing down in your brain far more easily than writing in black, blue, or any other kind of ink. This a proven psychological fact, because red is the color that our eyes most see and remember naturally. One of the first colors that newborns can see is the color red. Don't believe me? Go grab something red and visit your little niece or nephew, and wave that thing in front of their eyes. Watch as they track the red object intensely. Trust me, writing in red ink will save your brain a lot of effort in remembering these things you write down. Why do you think teachers mark papers and tests in red ink? So you'll see what they wrote and remember it of course!

2. Know what to take notes on, and what not to take notes on. One of the hardest thing to do in note taking is to differentiate between what is important, and what is not important. What is important are things like formulas, dates, names, theories, new information, questions, definitions, and anything that is bolded or underlined on the PowerPoint or board that your teacher is using. Don't write down things you already know, and don't try to copy what is on the PowerPoint or what your teacher is saying verbatim, because you will just fall behind and have no idea if you missed anything important. Just focus on the list of important things above, and remember to only write down when necessary.

3. Take notes in a structured method. Don't just scribble everything important down haphazardly across your notebook or iPad or whatever. Divide your paper into thirds, use bullet points or Roman numerals, use subpoints, etc. Writing without structure is like driving without lane dividers or road signs: you'll crash and burn within minutes. If you have to, take a bit of time before class and just divide/bullet point/structure your notebook pages so that you won't have to do that in class. Trust me, this will keep your notebook looking clean and it will make it easier for you to go back and underline or highlight whatever you write down. Don't be that note taking guy who's notebook pages look like a blind chicken wrote them.

And there you have it folks! 3 easy steps to make your note taking life much simpler, and much easier. Don't sweat note-taking, it's just writing down information people. Take a breath, pay attention, and take notes!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gif Collection #1


Who doesn't love gifs from around the web? These little animated images are some of my favorite finds that I've been saving up for quite some time. I'll be posting collections of these gifs every now and then for your enjoyment, and perhaps for your own usage. Posting in response on a forum? Use a gif! Friend made a dumb comment on your Facebook status? Use a gif! These little things are pretty versatile. Hope you enjoy!

For when you trounce someone in an argument.
Your reaction to a good joke or burn.
When you get complaints for being awesome.
I totally meant to do that!
Nothing says victory like kicking down a door.


Friday, April 13, 2012

How To Save 20 Minutes Tomorrow, With 5 Minutes Today

Life Hacks

Getting ready in the morning. Sometimes even just saying those words makes me sick to my stomach. Everyone hates getting ready, except for these mythical creatures called 'morning people' who apparently exist and actually enjoy waking up early and moving. I've heard these creatures are rare and can be detrimental to your health. Anyways, I've got some life hacks that will make your morning routine be about 20 minutes less with 5 minutes worth of work the day before. Simple, easy, and has a huge payoff. So pay attention:
  • Lay out your clothes. I can't emphasize this enough. Picking an outfit, getting it out, and putting it on is about 1/3 of all of our morning routines, admit it. Just take a few seconds right now, go to your closet, pick out what you'll need for tomorrow, and lay it out somewhere. Trust me, this will save you a lot of energy and effort, which is a goal I religiously try to follow. 
  • Brush your teeth in the shower. Okay, this might sound gross to some of you, and I don't know why. I mean, it saves you time, and you are going to do it anyway, so get over it and do it if you have to. Just make sure to remember to put some toothpaste on there before showering. Now that would be gross.
  • Use 2 in 1 Shampoo/Body Wash. I admit, this is more for the dudes out there, because more girls I would assume do not use this kind of body wash/shampoo. But for girls, if you don't plan on using 2 in 1, I'd recommend just cutting down on the sheer amount of bottles and washes and cleansers that you use if you are in a rush. As long as your smell okay and your hair isn't just-rolled-out-of-bed, trust me, you'll be okay. Using 2 in 1 Shampoo/Body Wash cuts down on my routine pretty significantly. Instead of having to haul 2 bottles and use both separately, why not do it all at once? It makes sense people.
  • Line up everything you need for the day before that day. What I mean is take 2 minutes and lay out your keys, wallet, purse, phone, pens, pocket knives, whatever it is you'll need for that day before that day arrives. Also included in this list is backpacks, people. Pack 'em before you start sprinting trying to get ready, trust me, it'll save you some pain from tripping on something.
Don't end up looking like this guy.

Well, there you have it folks! My 5 minute plan (if done now) to save you 20 minutes tomorrow. Because that 20 minutes could be 20 more minutes to get to work, or 20 more minutes of sweet, sweet, sleep, and who doesn't want to pass up on sleep?


5 Tips on How To Study- And Not Forget Everything You Just Studied

College Tips

College is hard. That's a fact. 

Maybe not as hard as some jobs, and maybe not as easy as high school, but it has it's challenges. And one of those things is studying. Oh studying. The bane of many a college exam and student, studying is that elusive creature that everyone seems to chase, but can never 'catch'. But, that is all about to change. I am here to help all of you out there who are struggling to catch studying. By following these 5 simple tips, I promise that when you study, you'll do better than you ever thought you could do. And don't worry, I'm not going to just tell you what not to do and offer no solutions, because that would be pointless. I'll tell you everything you need to know to make studying as easy as pie. That's actually a terrible analogy, because making a pie is hard. Anyway, here they are:
  1. Don't cram. Now I know this is probably the hardest one you will have to do. Cramming is the signature college student move, but it is so bad for your memory. Cramming sounds great, but in reality you're just wasting your time and energy trying to stuff a semester's worth of knowledge into about a night's worth of time. Studying all that information without focusing on a few items or subjects and just trying to absorb everything will take the information, place it in your brain for about a total of about 15 seconds, and then out it goes. Don't cram people. What you should do instead is just mark on your calendar, sticky note, scrap of paper, whatever, and set aside just a few hours at least a day or two before the exam. Then use the next tip as your studying method for those few hours
  2. Study Smarter. Anyone can stare at a textbook like a zombie for hours and say they 'studied'. But not so for you! I have a proven psychological method that will help you retain the maximum amount of information while at the same time letting you take a break during your session. What you need to do is study in 15 minute increments, and take a 2-3 minute break in between each increment. In that 2-3 minute break, do anything but study or read. Run around your library, do jumping jacks, count to 100, whatever, but just do anything but studying. Implement this cycle for about 3 times per hour of studying. Also, never study for more than 3-4 hours. You will just burn out and give up or forget everything you just learned. 2-3 hours of good, clear-headed studying is what you need.
  3. Don't study while tired. This. Whatever you do, try your darnedest to not study when you are tired. You will be burnt out already, and whatever you do will be in a haze of sleep deprivation or just absolute exhaustion. Study in the daytime, preferably the sunlight or at least a well lit area. Try not to study at night and if you do, here's a protip: turn down the brightness on your screen. It will reduce the strain on your eyes, which will in turn make it easier for you to read which means you'll actually pay attention to what your eyes are looking at.
  4. Use your study guides (If you have one). Cannot emphasize this enough. Why read something and commit it to memory if you don't even need it for the exam?! If your teacher provides study guides, utilize them. Don't ignore them and say that they are useless, because the professor made them and I'm betting they didn't make them just to mess with your and make your life suck. Print out all the study guides at the beginning of the semester, and bring them to class. Fill them in, write notes on them, whatever you have to do to make sure all the essential information is there. By essential information, I usually mean formulas, definitions, solutions to problems, theories, those shorts of things. If you are not provided a study guide, then take good notes in class and during your reading. Use the list of important things above to give you an idea of what to focus your notes on.
  5. Relax! Chill out! One thing people always seem to get stressed over is studying. It's frigging' reading and thinking people. It's not skydiving, or fighting a war, it's simply committing information to memory. Don't get overwhelmed by the info you need to know. Focus on what's important, use the tips given above, and breath. Always remember to breath. Take a break after a major study session, and reward yourself with some free time or a hobby. Don't immediately take your mind off what your were just looking at, but keep it in the back-burner for later use. Life isn't all work, so just keep that in mind as you work your way through your academic journey.

I hope this helps those of you who struggle with this. This is my personal experience combined with a little bit of common sense and knowledge about the human mind, so it shouldn't be too tough to follow.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

How I Met Your Mother

Media Reviews 

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce one of the best shows known to man, How I Met Your Mother. This show has been running for 7 years, but I've only been introduced to in recently. After the first episode I watched, I immediately had to watch every other episode there was. I went home over last Christmas break,  and watched four seasons straight through. The show is currently in it's seventh season, and will most likely be at least ten seasons long, so don't get caught without seeing it in action like I once was.

How I Met Your Mother. Even just typing it makes me feel all tingly. One of the best shows on television. I discovered this amazing show last semester, I was immediately hooked from the first episode to the current. The cast is perfectly put together. There is an actor for everyone on the show. From Jason Segel's laid-back and manly humor, to Neil Patrick Harris' legendary antics, down to Cobie Smulders relationship woes, these actors play their roles to the tee. They seem to fit the archetype of the characters in a smooth and natural way. From Episode One, to the current episode, the actors not only maintain their adherence to their character types, but they manage to grow their characters enough to keep it interested, but never taking it too far and straying from who their characters are at their core.

The humor in the show is some of the best humor that is on television right now. The references, the running jokes, and the timing of the interactions between the characters is impeccable. My one 'complaint' with the show is that we still don't know who the mother is, but then again that's kind of the point of the show, and just like a crime drama show with the always-tense almost-romance that never actually begins. Hopefully, there will be more information revealed in the future seasons, and hopefully the mother will be revealed soon, but then again that's just hoping. I'll be happy just to keep watching and enjoying the legendary awesomeness that is How I Met Your Mother.


Tweets From Around the Net


One website that I enjoy using is Twitter. It's sleek, it's got lots of famous people that people such as myself and you can interact with, and there is only so much room for people to be idiots. You can only post tweets that are 140 characters long, so none of this Facebook "Farmville" or "Mafia Wars" tomfoolery. So I thought I'd check around the net and find some funny tweets from both famous and obscure people. Enjoy!

And here I thought I had seen all the stupidity the internet could offer...nope.

Oh George Takei. Older actors crack me up.

To quote Chappelle's show: "White people love Wayne Brady...because he 
makes Bryan Gumbel look like Malcom X".
(This was in response to the Volkswagen commercial with Darth Vader)

Two of my favorite things: Steve Carell, and making fun of Jersey Shore.

That's all folks! Hope you found some humor in the joy that is Twitter, and the people that inhabit the place.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Game of Thrones (Book) Review

Media Reviews

The subject of this review will be the first book in the Song of Fire and Ice series by George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones. This book, and the subsequent books have been turned into an amazing HBO show, as you may know, that does a wonderful job of portraying the characters, events, and settings that the book encompasses, but I'll review the show at a later date. For now, onto the book!

Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of the fantasy genre. The settings, the characters, the wonder and magic that accompany these types of books has always drawn me to them since I was younger. Let me state that these books are NOT for anyone 18 or younger. The language in them is sometimes very, very crude, but it is used only to enhance the setting and is never over-used in a manner that would be overkill of the language. The story is set in a land called Westeros, a fantastical realm comprised of many cities and lords of those cities, all of whom are constantly wrestling for control of resources, power, and glory in the land. Martin does a wonderful job of giving each family a strong history and a culture of their own. This is one of the things that I most enjoyed about the novel, and that is the definite differences between the various factions and families that are a part of the story. The characters are given traits that might seem honorable, disrespectful, or conniving at first, but as the story progresses, those traits either serve to be their undoing or their ticket to power. The plethora of characters and their unique perspectives that the book tells the story from was another strong point of this novel.

The novel is close to being perfect, but there were a few issues that I didn't particularly find to be the greatest. These are just my opinions, remember, so they are not anything that is grammatically or systematically wrong with the novel. Also, SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT!!!

 Do not read beyond this point if you don't want to see spoilers.

Alrighty, with that out of the way, my one major complaint with the book is this: Ned Stark dies. I can't help it! He was my favorite character from the beginning, as flawed as his decisions were that lead to his death. I know, this isn't exactly a major complaint or complex critique of the book, but I'll be danged if isn't something that I still don't like about the book. His characteristics, his demeanor, and his history just appealed to me, and then as suddenly as he appears, he is gone. We'll always remember Ned.

To conclude, this book is definitely worth a read, no matter your favorite genre, but especially if you like the fantasy genre. The story, the setting, the culture, the characters, just everything about this book screams that it will be a classic for the ages. I'd go so far to say it's the best fantasy series since the Lord of the Rings, and that I'll wager it'll remain that until a new challenger approaches later on down the road.


How To Sleep Like A Boss

Life Hacks

One problem that I've always had throughout my life is feeling refreshed when I sleep. Even if I slept for 8, 10, or even sometimes 12 hours, I would usually wake up groggy and stiff, as if I hadn't even slept at all. This was definitely a major problem, and I know I'm not alone here.

But I have found a website that tells you when to fall asleep in order to wake up in between REM cycles. What is a REM cycle you say? Why, that's simple! REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it's the stage of sleep where you are in your deepest and most restful state. This is also the stage where you dream, so getting to REM sleep is definitely something you should want to do. Getting sleep without REM cycles is like driving a car without oil. You might have a lot of gas, but that won't mean squat when your oil burns out.

This website allows you to input what time you need to wake up (fellow college students, pay attention), and it calculates what the optimum times are for you to fall asleep. Take note though, these are times when you should be fully asleep, not getting into bed. I'd account for about 15 minutes before those times is when you actually should be getting in bed. I've used this website the last week, and it works like a charm. I have woken up every day feeling like a brand new man, no matter how little or how much sleep I got. I highly recommend integrating this into your daily life.

Link: Sleep Time Calculator


Finally Starting

Welcome! I've finally given in and made a blog. I've been wanting to do this for some time. I'm sure you're wondering what this blog is all about, what I can offer you, who am I, etc. Well I will tell you that I am just a 20 year old college student named Michael with a lot of thoughts to put out there. Thoughts on how to survive and thrive in college, thoughts on media (you know: books, movies, games, music), thoughts on life and how to hack it so it doesn't suck as much, and thoughts on humor. Some of these thoughts will probably be interesting, so buckle in people. I'm ready. Are you?